EVOQ Plans Built by Coaches

Let’s get faster! EVOQ.bike offers training plans built by experienced coaches, designed with modern training principles in mind. These plans target your specific goals, so you can train smarter and achieve the results you deserve.




Want a plan built specifically for you?

EVOQ IGNITE is a personalized plan hand-crafted by our expert coaches for JUST you.


Increase FTP

8 Week // Volume: Low / Mid / High

This program is designed for individuals who are starting the process of raising their Functional Threshold Power (FTP).

VO2MAX Booster

8 Week // Volume: Low / Mid / High

Want to improve your 5-minute power, VO2max and race-winning kick? The EVOQ.BIKE VO2max booster plan will get you ready to smash your next group ride or race.

Gravel Training

10 Week // Volume: Low / Mid / High

As your event approaches, we will shift the emphasis of your training to gravel-specific workouts, incorporating sessions with frequent surges and punchy climbs to mimic the variable terrain of gravel races.

Gran Fondo

16 Week // Volume: LOW / MID / HIGH

This program is designed for individuals who are training for a huge climbing Gran Fondo or Week-long Riding Camp


Sprint Anaerobic

10 Week // Volume: Low / Mid

If you're looking to improve your race-winning kick and turn those top 10s into race wins, look no further than our Sprint/Anaerobic Capacity Plan.

Base Training

12 Week // Volume: Low / Mid / High

This plan features 12 weeks of base training designed to lay the foundations for a great season ahead.

Criterium Training

10 Week // Volume: Low / Mid / High

Coming Soon.

Winter Strength + Cycling

10 Week // Volume: Low / Mid / High

Coming Soon.


General Race Prep

8 Week // Volume: Low / Mid / High

If you've got a wide variety of events and want to be ready to crush them all, this is your plan. Whether it's a criterium, road race, gravel race, CX or even MTB-- the general race prep plan will get you in peak shape for all of them.

Climbing Training

12 Week // Volume: Low / Mid / High

Want to increase your climbing capabilities? This plan features twelve weeks of cutting-edge training methods to raise FTP, improve torque production and train fatigue resistance.